Aroma Freedom Technique is a step-by-step process for identifying and releasing negative thoughts, feelings and memories that interfere with reaching our goals and dreams.
AFT is meant to be used as a way to set a person’s emotional energy flowing in a positive direction, towards growth and expansion rather than contracting in fear, doubt, and paralysis.
If you are coming in person, I will provide the essential oils you need for the technique.
If you are participating in a virtual session, you must have the following Young Living Essential Oils:
- Lavender, Frankincense, AND Stress Away
- Inner Child OR Frankincense OR Stress Away
- Release OR Thieves
- Believe, Transformation, OR Lemon
Optional oils: Clarity, Peppermint, Valor, Grounding, Harmony, Present Time
If you need access to these oils, please arrange with me ahead of time.

You do not have to print this or fill it out ahead of time, but I will be asking that you read and sign it at your session. I have provided a copy here so that you can read and refer back to it.
You may read all of The Oil Spot's policies, procedures, and practice on the About page.

Available online or in person at The Oil Spot studio. If opting for online, please arrange to get your oils ahead of time. In addition, please make sure that you have a quiet place, reliable internet, and the ability to access a Zoom account.
Immediately afterwards, I felt light and happy. This quickly moved to feeling full of energy, focus and excitement about what the future holds. It has now been eight days and I am so very excited, motivated and successfully acting on the steps to reach my goal. I have had trouble for almost two years now, but something has clicked within just the past week! I don't fully understand it, but I do believe Dory and this session played an integral part. I would definitely do it again!
THANK YOU!!! I feel off-the-charts EMPOWERED!!!
After the session, I slept really great that night. I woke up in a positive mood and continued with that mood throughout the week. I found this to be the main difference or shift after the session that I remained positive when often times I would be down about certain situations. I really do believe saying the affirmation every morning does make a difference.
If you haven’t been to the Oil Spot yet, you are missing out! Dory is very supportive & intuitive. She has many options for optimal health & immunity support. I have had two sessions so far. Dory helped me get rid of negative thoughts, feelings & emotions, so that I could focus on my goals, unhindered. There are “hands on” and “hands free” choices for people who are uncomfortable being touched.
For further questions, please reach out to me