The Emotion Code is a method of releasing trapped emotions ("emotional baggage"), helping you to feel freer, happier, and healthier.
Created by Dr. Bradley Nelson (D.C., retired) after more than 20 years as a holistic chiropractor and teacher, The Emotion Code is designed to help you alleviate physical discomfort, ease emotional wounds, and restore love to relationships. The Emotion Code course could even help you break through potential self-sabotage to live the life you were meant to live.
The Emotion Code works on a subconscious level to remove emotional energy that is stuck in the body ("emotional baggage"). It can help reducing anxiety, overwhelm, and depression, while also helping to increase confidence and self-esteem. It can also relieve physical symptoms or ailments.
The Emotion Code can be done over the phone or virtually, so there is no need to see a practitioner in person.
Many users of The Emotion Code report having positive outcomes with:
- Easing physical discomforts - offers relief from distress and suffering, alleviating their potential causes
- Love and relationships - removes barriers to love and increase your ability to connect
- Creating more success - experience more abundance and open the door to prosperity
- Healing generations - heals your own energy, as well as that of past and future generations
- Serving animals - assist pets and other animals feel and function better
In general, I conduct all Emotion Code sessions over the phone. If you request it, we can set up a video conference call.
In some cases, especially once we have had our initial session, I can complete sessions with you fully remotely. This means that you will make an appointment for a specific time, but you and I will not have to be on the phone, video call, or in person for our sessions. I have even worked on individuals when they are sleeping! So you can keep going on with your day while I work, and then I will email you the results.
Prior to your appointment, I will ask for three pieces of information:
- Your age
- 1-3 Issues or goals
- The severity of each of those goals/issues on a 0-10 scale
When I sit down to a session, I will start by setting an intention, prayerfully asking for guidance, and connecting to you energetically. From there, I will perform muscle tests to ask your subconscious questions, bring forward the emotions, and then permanently clear them.
When your sessions is completed, I will first break my connection to you. I will then send you an email or message with the results from your session. I may ask for additional feedback from you at this time.
Please note: I will never do a session without written or oral permission. I will ask for permission prior to each session.

Note: You do not have to understand how The Emotion Code works for it to work. You simply need to be willing and open to the change with an attitude of "Let's try it!" Beyond that, your subconscious will do the work.
Submit your questions below:
You do not have to print this or fill it out ahead of time, but I will be asking that you read and sign it at your session. I have provided a copy here so that you can read and refer back to it.
You may read all of The Oil Spot's policies, procedures, and practice on the About page.
You will most likely experience shifts after one session. After working with dozens of clients, I have realized that the most positive changes happen with multiple sessions.
- Pick a package or intro session: If you are interested in just testing the waters, you can purchase an individual introductory session for $125. You could also purchase a package of 3 sessions for $250 or 6 sessions for $450 (savings of $25).
- Book your sessions: Using the appointment page, you can use your custom package coupon to book your session.
- Add on additional sessions: After your initial 3 or 6 sessions, you can opt to purchase additional packages or single sessions at $75 each.
- Refer and save: If you refer a new client to me, I will send you a discount code for sessions for you or a direct family member.

Available on demand by proxy or virtually via phone or video conference
The following testimonials come from Emotion Code and Body Code practitioners and clients.
"I had the coolest experience with it a couple months ago. I had someone trained in The Emotion Code do a remote session on me. I had gone to bed at 7 because I wasn’t feeling well. I had a feeling it was liver/kidneys. I woke up at 11 PM, wide awake (but feeling happy and light). I was awake for 4 hours. Finally fell asleep at 3 AM, slept for a few hours and woke up feeling great.
The next morning, I asked her what time she had worked on me. She had finished my session at 11 PM my time. No wonder I had such an emotional (and physical) burden lifted from me at that time!"
"I had a first Emotion Code session, thereby releasing significant energetic walls and hidden selves that had been stuck inside my physical body for quite some time. The release thereof was very uplifting, and the bodily sensation felt like significant weight has been removed from specific areas of the bodily vortices. I can definitely highly recommend Dory. The stuck energy she pointed out made complete sense to me as I could clearly connect the incidences/traumatic experiences that lead to the stock energy to begin with. Very helpful."
"I'm doing so great! I've been feeling so much more open in my chest, I can actually breathe through both my nostrils (which isn't a thing I can ever do!) and how every time I catch my eye in the mirror or on FT I'm surprised with how bright and alive my eyes look. It's really cool!"
“I worked for a year removing trapped emotions within myself and feel like I am beginning to really feel alive for the first time. I have helped my children release depression, pain, and night terrors. I would not be where I am today without both the Emotion Code® and the Body Code™."
-JS, Utah, USA
"It was subtle, but real. I started releasing emotions and slowly I started feeling better. I quit obsessing over past traumas. I quit my usual morning routine of chaos. Literally, for the past 15 – 20 years I would wake up every morning full of anger and upset over injustices that I had endured. I would replay events and it would just exhaust me and make me angry. I noticed that within one month of implementing the Emotion Code technique, the behaviors that I had been doing for 15 – 20 years just stopped. I woke up happy for the first time. My mornings are now awesome. I walk, I pray, and I am happy. I no longer think about the past and now I am living my best life."
-LP, Arizona, USA
“I want to share the difference it has made in me. My father died when I was 13, a year after my mother didn’t want us five kids any more, so the abuse, neglect, and abandonment started. We went from abundance to nothing. What to do now? Well somehow we all grew up, but not without a ton of baggage and confusion. Please forgive me for the horrible story, but that is my struggle. I clear and more stuff comes up, but I do feel I’m winning. The anger, confusion and anxiety is less, being replaced with positive thoughts and “I can” thinking. When I feel emotional blocks, tension in my chest, or tears behind my eyes, I sit down and do a round of releasing. Sometimes I feel better instantly and other times I have to give the shift a day or two to settle. I find it very much a process where my thoughts have now changed and I walk in the difference of the freedom."
“I find working with children to be amazing! One little girl who I will call D was not quite three at the time. She was driving her Mother crazy! She cried 80% of the day and clung to her Mum’s leg. She would have massive temper tantrums, kicking and screaming! If she left her and went out, she would bash the door down and just scream. Bedtime was a nightmare. It took two hours to get her to sleep!
After just one session she was a different girl. I released emotions causing the behaviour and released a small Heart-Wall® of one trapped emotion. Her behaviour worsened for a few days with the processing, then on the third day she changed into a lovely, happy little girl. No more problems going to sleep either.
D had another issue which needed to be addressed at a later date. Whenever a cousin would come to visit, she would just scream and scream! No one knew why! I released the related emotions and next time she came to visit, D took her by the hand and just went off and played. The mother was floored but very happy! Absolutely love the instant results!"
- CB; Victoria, Australia
“My 13-year-old son called from school saying he had a migraine with nausea so I brought him home. I didn’t give him any medicine but used the Body Code® instead. After a few imbalance releases, the head pain had gone from a 10 to a 4 and the nausea was completely gone. He started to feel hungry so I asked if he needed to eat to help release the head pain. The answer was yes. He got up and ate a few things and the headache was completely gone! This was all within 15 minutes!”
- RI Arizona, USA
“I inherited my orange cat called Nua when he was two. He had been ‘thrown away’ as a kitten and was found by my friends when he was tiny, frightened, and alone in the woods in a remote place. They took him home, and because they lived beside a road, they kept him inside for the next two years. He was never allowed out and it was quite a small house. So he had issues when I got him.
He was a scaredy cat, afraid of everything. If I sneezed, he took off running. When I first got him, he hid under buildings for the first three weeks. Eventually he became more friendly, but always had a shell around him and rarely would be seen out in the open. Dark places were his favourite spots.
Then he met another kitty cat that my daughter found during winter in the freezing weather. This little kitten was trying to keep warm in an old roll of carpet, all alone surrounded by snow and ice. So my daughter brought home this tiny kitten that didn’t even have any hair on its tail yet. It was so happy to be saved; it was pure love from that moment on.
That kitten, who we called Winter, grew to be a beautiful Maine coon, with a tail like an ostrich plume and great big feet, but the kindest, most loving creature one could imagine. She taught my cat how to play and how to be happy. He loved her more than anything and they had a lot of fun together.
Winter had a wild streak in her and she like to roam around the land. We were living in a remote place at that time and early one morning we heard a terrible sound. It was Winter screaming. She had been grabbed by a wolf. My daughter went running toward them. The wolf had Winter in his mouth, and he dropped her and ran off. Winter was dead. We buried her with lots of tears and flowers. We loved her so much. And so did Nua. He had been outside and he had heard her. He turned his back to the world and didn’t move for almost a week. He was traumatized. Then he was more fearful than ever and he seemed to wear even thicker armor. He no longer played. He cried a lot and whimpered loudly in his sleep.
Then I used the Emotion Code® on him three different times. Each time I released the trapped emotion of terror. The third time I released it, he rolled over on his back, and all his fur fluffed out and got big and soft, and he started to play. Since then, he has been different than he ever has been in his whole life. He is friendly and likes to lie close. He likes to be petted and brushed and even asks for it. He lies out in the open and purrs up a storm and rarely ever whimpers or cries in his sleep now. You could say he was rescued again!”
-AW, British Columbia, Canada
“The mother of a 5-year-old boy asked me to do a distance session of the Emotion Code® for her son, who was having behavioural issues, such as outbursts of anger, hitting other children, and not listening. I did the session using proxy testing while the little one was asleep. I emailed the results to his mother the next morning. She told me that at about 11:00 pm, which is just when the session was over, he got out of bed and went to crawl into bed with her.
A month later, she called me to say that there had been a pronounced change in his behaviour immediately after the session. He was willing to listen, much gentler with his siblings and other children, and much more positive. What a wonderful way to help little children, while they are sleeping peacefully and without fear or trauma on their part!”
-LG; British Columbia, Canada
“About a year after an accident, I was still experiencing pain. I could stand or lay, but not sit. Friends suggested the Body Code™. The first imbalance that showed up was a disconnection. Immediately after running the magnet over my governing meridian, I was left with my mouth hanging open in disbelief. I could not feel pain or tenderness. It was such a relief to realize there was hope for recovery and mobility after all.”
-JS, Saskatchewan, Canada
“After the birth of my third baby, I was desperate for sleep. At 12 months old, my child was still waking several times a night. He was restless and fussy all night long. I tried every trick in the book to get him to sleep better. We started working with a certified Emotion Code® practitioner and, like a miracle, he started sleeping through the night almost instantly. Clearing his trapped emotions and Heart-Wall® did the trick! I never would have thought emotions were what was keeping him up at night. You can’t put a price tag on a good night’s rest!”
-MB, Virginia, USA
For further questions, please reach out to me
This list of emotions corresponds to The Emotion Code Chart of Emotions, and encompasses the full range of human emotion. There are many more emotions listed in the dictionary besides the ones listed here, but we choose to use a simplified list to keep things easy and fast.
Every emotional vibration that we create and experience will fall under an emotion listed below (e.g. embarrassment would fall under humiliation, bewildered would fall under confusion, rage would fall under anger, etc.)
More information can be found at DiscoverHealing.com