When the word Reiki is studied, it can be broken apart to mean:
Rei: Spiritual Wisdom
- This is something that is present everywhere
- Represents being universally guided
- Made up of three parts:
- Higher level of consciousness (beyond ego) that is often thought of a G-d, the Divine, or Supreme Being
- Three aspects of a human being (body, mind, and spirit); also thought of as the healer who is located between heaven and earth and acts like a bridge to bring wisdom, guidance, and healing to people on the earth
- The earth
Ki: Lifeforce Energy
- Also known as Chi (Chinese), Prana (Sanskrit), Ti or Ki (Hawaiian), biofield energy (scientific study)
- Non-physical energy that awakens all living things
- If Ki is low, you will be more susceptible to illness
- Influenced by the mind
- Positive, healthy thoughts helps Ki grow stronger (genki)
- Negative, unhealthy thoughts weakens Ki (byoki)
If energy flows freely, there is a state of health and well-being in the body. If there are blockages, illness, discomfort, and disease may be in the body.
Reiki helps with healing because Ki (life energy) flows through the physical body in pathways (chakras, meridians, and nadis). It also is present and can pass directly through the organs and tissues of the body.
When a person receives a Reiki session, the Rei (spiritually conscious part of energy) assess where there is unhealthy Ki (life energy), and directs the healing energy to where it is needed.
Everything vibrates in their own unique wavelength (thoughts, different organs, tissue types, etc.). This is similar to the strings on a violin - each string has a different sound by vibrating at a different frequency.
Reiki can raise the vibrations levels around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are attached, causing it to break apart and fall away.
Reiki can clear energy pathways, allowing the Ki to flow freely.
Reiki can lift us to higher levels of consciousness, free from blocks.
Reiki can melt away or burn up the negative thoughts or feelings.
A session starts with a brief chat to learn a little bit about why you are interested in a healing Reiki session. It's ok if you are simply curious and want to just experience it! Or you might have something specific that you want to focus on.
After that, I will wash my hands and we will get started. You will lay on the massage table fully clothed, face up, and you will simply get to relax.
During this time, you will feel very calm and settled. Some people fall asleep.
When a person receives a Reiki session, the Rei (spiritually conscious part of the energy) assesses where the person has a block (byoki) and directs the healing energy to that area. The Reiki energy works with the negative thoughts and feelings that have created that block and help reinstate a healthy flow of Ki and release that block. In doing so, Reiki can clear, straighten, and heal the energy pathway.
Occasionally, when I see appropriate, I may involve Reiki in some other sessions or modalities.


Please do not drink any caffeine, high-sugar, or processed foods prior to your session. Afterwards, you will be encouraged to drink even more water than normal to help the natural detoxification that occurs after a session.
You will be encouraged to dress comfortably.
Detoxification is a real thing. Some experience it with emotions, some feel a physical release, and some see it on the skin. Some also feel it as a sense of calm, relaxation, and peace. However you experience it, please enjoy the process.
Immediately after your session, I will offer you a glass of water, and I will make sure that you drink the whole thing. This is because water will help the body's natural detoxification process. I would also encourage you to drink more water throughout the next day as well.
As a guide, you can drink about half of your weight in ounces each day in pure water.
Detoxification may happen through the liver, kidneys, and colon naturally, but when those organs are taxed, the toxins may come out through your skin. This is typically not painful, but it is a reminder to drink more water to help flush the system more fully. Please reach out with further questions if this happens.
You do not have to print this or fill it out ahead of time, but I will be asking that you read and sign it at your session. I have provided a copy here so that you can read and refer back to it.
You may read all of The Oil Spot's policies, procedures, and practice on the About page.

Available in person at Indigo Therapeutic Massage & Healing Arts
1404 Starling Drive Suite A
Henrico, VA 23229
Located at The Wellness Village